In an effort to focus on the positive and enjoy the little things in life, I'd like to document a few experiences that made me smile.
I went to the library alone. I moseyed a bit and gathered books for myself and my girls. They rearranged the entire library and I'm not a fan but we won't talk about that because we are positive thoughts only today. Agatha Christie's mystery novel is slow and predictable...and I'm not complaining! My anxious mind wouldn't have it any other way.
I know some women feel bold and empowered when they wear red lipstick so I thought I would give it a try. Maybe I should have waited until a date night because I didn't quite feel like myself and rubbed it off before I left the house. It was still fun to try it out and now I feel the need to plan a date with my lover.
I found this happy basket of flowers at Costco for 12.99. They stopped me in my tracks when I almost walked past them. I thought " I think I love you..." and then I saw the price and knew that I did. I might have to go back for the Mums that I talked myself out of.
This ridiculous duck's pompadour.

bread with a demanding little girl.
My kids got along very well on Labor day. They were all excited to play pioneers at my parents house, Brooke's name was Poppy. The weather was perfect. I hope someday to have a chippy picket fence and four chickens. Two of which will be named Simon and Garfunkel.
Brooke was heading down stairs painfully slow at bedtime...stops mid-step and asks urgently "Mom, would you rather be a llama-bear or a llama-dog? I strangely know the answer immediately "Llama-bear." And she continues obediently on to bed satisfied with the knowledge that her mother would prefer living as a llama-bear hybrid over an absurd llama-dog mix.
At the end of Chronicles of Narnia, Peter is crowned "King Magnificent"(spoiler alert? Sorry too late)...Brooke turns to me with the sass of a southern teenager and states the obvious "Every man's dream."
On the way home from school Brooke pulled out her Scholastic book order form. " Mom, I really want the whole series but it's 60$."
" Well, you'll have to buy that with your own money then..."
"But I only know how to earn money on the streets!"
Life is good.
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