Reasons Why I Love Having Big Kids.

It has been cold lately,painfully cold. Foresight is required  to maximize comfort. For instance, mid January in Utah one doesn't just hop in the car and get on their merry way.   The car requires a bit of warming up, sometimes scraping of ice and dusting off of  snowy mirrors  is needed. I don't like to do any of those things...but I have children. Children who think that going out to start the car is a privilege, a responsibility entrusted only to the most mature of 2nd and 3rd graders.  Watching my daughters gladly take over this chore has awakened me to several other  perks to having older children. 

  • I haven't had to change a diaper in years...nor do I spend much time these days wiping bums or changing wet bedding in the middle of the night. 
  •  They no longer puke wherever they may. They puke in bowls or toilets.
  • Public tantrums have all but faded into the past.
  •  They are capable of being reasoned with and seem to be at an age where not getting in trouble is appealing to them. ( For the most part.)
  • As I type this my 4 yr. old just ran to me, panties at her ankles...pointing to her nether regions saying" Mom this is your job! I have a red spot that hurts"  Morgan followed behind her and said, "here lets get you in the tub" water is running...I didn't lift a finger.
  • They can pour their own milk.
  • They can work the t.v.
  • They can put away dishes and laundry and scrub toilets.
  • They function happily without naps.
  • They are interesting conversationalists.

I'm sure I could go on, I really do love having big kids. That isn't to say that I didn't enjoy those beautiful little babies of mine. They could do no wrong, they smelt of Heaven, they were momentary angels. It was so momentary.  It all seems to be, so I'm trying my best to enjoy the phase of child-rearing I am in right  now. I think it might just be one of the best. 


  1. Very well written...keep it up little niece.
    Uncle Rich

  2. i'm jealous. i feel like i'm still in the trenches, but i'll try to enjoy this stage, too :)

  3. Becky, I know exactly how you feel. I still wonder sometimes if I let all the pooping, screaming and crying distract me from the joys of having toddlers and babies. But all I can do now is do my best to enjoy this phase, it's not without it's trials too.I think I'm just better at handling them...maybe because I get more sleep and they go to school :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOVE IT! Thanks for doing this Julie. I am already looking forward to future posts. My favorite groups of words; "nether regions" "they smelt of Heaven" "momentary angels". You are amazing at describing things in the most unique way. Which is why I say you should write a book. But
    this is kind of like you writing a book. I'm going to enjoy it.


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