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I'm going on day three of caring for the sick and needy. Morgan is bundled up under a pile of blankets with a heating pad trying to ward off the chills, while Harriot The Spy serves as a distraction from her discomfort. Brooke had a little something but that girl is hard to read. She will be moping about with a raspy voice one moment and the next she is laughing and playing until she remembers she's supposed to be sick. She did have a low grade fever and a stuffy nose, so I let her stay home for one day. I'm hoping I can avoid getting sick this time around. Last time Morgan was sick she would cough directly into my talking mouth or on my dinner, and I inevitably got sick. She's eight for heaven's sake.
Sick Morgan |
The girls and I ( excluding Kate, she likes to sing at the top of her lungs when the attention in the room isn't focused 100% on her cute self) are enjoying reading the Chronicles of Narnia. We are on book two and I am so impressed with how well my daughters listen and recall what they have heard. We plan on comparing the book to the movie with a family movie night when we are done. Now I'm going to make a chicken pot pie, first attempt...likely my last, and do my best to pretend like cooking dinner isn't worse than scrubbing toilets.
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