Once I was a teenage redhead. This gray tabby is Chyna...I recall watching her sniff a lit candle and her little whiskers shriveled up like the wicked witch of the Wests feet. Cat's are lovely...but not brilliant. |
Cat's are my pet of preference. They are soft and quiet and low maintenance. They cuddle and purr away all your cares. Jon luckily likes cats too so once we had a home of our own, we were on the look out for a little baby kitty to call our own. We found a mild tempered little Siamese and brought him home and he was loved.
We surprised the girls just before Christmas 2014 with this little creature. We named him Binx. |
He was sweet, but he clawed my linen chairs and bedding. He chewed on cables( my hair dryer, my charger and Jon's entertainment center). He sprayed despite being fixed. He sucked on every blanket he ever met. Once he was big enough, we sent him outside to spend most of his day but he would often come home limping (broken leg, broken, tail) and bleeding having taken a beating from a bully cat. Several times boys in the neighborhood would torture him and pick him up by the tail. Having a cat turned out to be a much bigger ordeal than I had expected. If he was inside he was ruining something, If he was outside he was in danger. Not to mention the battles between the girls over kitty litter duty. Not fun.
Mid-summer Binx came limping home with a wound on his back. I cleaned it up every day until it healed, I was getting real good at caring for cat injuries. But he seemed to be having a hard time walking, His back started to hunch and he would hiss if you touched near his tail. He became very frail and it was becoming obvious that something was seriously wrong. I knew that he was dying and that he likely had injured his spine. We told the girls to say goodbye and the mangled looking cat dutifully limped into his carrier. It was quite heart-wrenching, Brooke took it the hardest, she's a true animal lover. He was put out of his misery and I vowed to never own a pet again.
I will break my vow someday I'm sure. When I live in a different neighborhood and have a bigger lot. Because even though Binx was nonstop trouble, I still liked having a little sentient creature to snuggle.
Sorry you lived a life of hard knocks Binxers. |
Brooke filled out this little form for a getting to know you activity in class last week. It's sad...and I'm evil because I giggled a little at her straightforward nature.
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