Winter hasn't been horrible so far. We've had sun streaming though our
windows on most days and the temperatures haven't been unbearable. My
SAD hasn't shown up and cabin fever has been kept at bay with family
outings. And glory of all glories...I haven't been sick once! ( Did I just jinx myself?) Christmas was a happy day full of the stuff childhood memories are made of...
Kate was thrilled to get a big girl doll like her sisters.
Morgan loved her carriage and cupcake jammies. |
Brooke was happy about her horse. ( I haven't seen her play with it since this very morning) |
The doll being adored. ( Alejandra sits waiting in Kate's closet for some attention...I thought they would be inseparable) |
We've had rainbow loom bracelet making marathons by Morgan.( Still in use)
And a trip to the children's museum to get the kids out of the house. | | | | | |
We took the train to SLC for lunch one afternoon, Kate was so excited to take a picture with her Daddy... |
But not so excited to take a picture with me...what gives kid? |
That girl loves her Daddy. We've spent some lovely mornings lingering in bed. |
This is puppy. He is lovingly tucked into bed by his best friend Morgan before she leaves for school every morning. |
And..I just thought she looked enjoy. |
Winter is far from over...but if things keep moving along like this... I think this California born girl is gonna be o.k.
Its been a little wile since then , but i still remember it like it was yesterday.- Morgan