Today I woke up to a beautiful, sunny winters Saturday. I had a healthy breakfast of cheerios with fresh-ish strawberries. I Yogaed my body and soul and felt rejuvenated and motivated to get out and do something outdoors with my family. The girls really wanted to go to their school playground... that they play at everyday. So we drove to the school and played with the girls on a sheet of ice that covers the entire backside of the school. We played for about 30 min and decided to go out to lunch. After lunch we went for a drive and looked at houses, something I've always enjoyed and my girls are starting to kind of enjoy. Before long the girls were getting restless in the car so we headed up Provo canyon to see if we could find some place to get out and explore.
We found an equestrian area by the river called Nunns Park. Clean air, sunshine and no one else, perfect. Kate ran faster than she was able and skinned her hands and knees first thing. She was tough and made a quick recovery.
The girls have always loved to explore the great out doors, but winter can be pretty limiting on what we can do with three little kids. They have missed our hikes and adventures. I was so happy to see them throwing rocks and finding sticks and climbing around today, they needed it and so did I.
Morgan poking ice |
Kate's rescued stick |
Jon taught Morgan how to widdle the end of a stick into a sharp point. She pretended to stab me in the chest. Good times.
I usually dread winter...pretty seriously. I spend an unhealthy amount of time indoors caring for the sick and needy. Going outside hurts and makes me mad, so I start looking up houses in California and watching Hawaii Life, escaping in my mind to warmer climates where the outdoors is always comfortable and the air is never toxic. So when mid January offers sun and relatively tolerable temperatures I soak it up. Today was a good day.
hat was a fun day for sure, I didn't hate winter all that much ether that day, and mabey a couple other days.- Morgan