Girls, You Are Unstoppable

My heart was heavy after watching the news the other day, something I often avoid for my own peace of mind. I heard clips from a recording of the man who wants to run my country degrading women in the most vile language. It was subtitled and I noticed my daughter reading his words. I told her to leave. I wasn't in my own home or I would have turned it off. I was livid inside. I thought of the countless women who have suffered sexual abuse at the hands of men who view women this way. How this perverse sexist language was just broadcast across the world, and unimaginably defended by some. How it must stab at the wounds so many carry that were given to them by disgusting men like him. I, like most american's I've spoken to, am not pleased with our presidential choices, but at least now I know who I cannot vote for.

I want my daughters to be able to go off to college and know that the men that surround them view them as equals and treat them that way. I want them to be safe but heaven forbid an abominable man should assault them, I want them to be believed when they report it. A culture that is capable of defending villainous words about the treatment of women isn't likely to produce a safe environment for us women to thrive in. We need to do better.

I want my daughters to feel free to pursue what ever career path their hearts desire and know that when they meet their goal, they can expect to be paid the same amount for their work as a man. How is a gender pay gap still a thing!? No.

I see so much zest, brilliance and humor in my girls. They deserve every opportunity to progress in their lives without the interference of sexism. I know we've come a long way, but man, we have a ways to go. Girls are born knowing they are capable and worthy of love and respect. It would never naturally occur to them that they are in anyway less. I am doing my best to make sure that they never internalize the many messages out there that they are their bodies and that is where they will find their power and worth. 

No, your worth my daughters will not be found in relationships,careers, children,college degrees, size three pants or how many friends you have in real life or online. You were born priceless and that doesn't change. No one can change that, not you and especially not another person. So I hope you feel free to be who you are, to run and not slow down for anyone. To ace that math test and leave stereotypes in the dust. That if ever it is implied that you "can't" because you are a girl, that you take that as a challenge and show them what you can do. Because, my incredible daughters, you can do it. You can do so much. 

Yes, my heart was heavy for my gender after hearing us reduced to what our body parts can do for sickening men. But I have hope. I watch my girls take life head on and feel that they are going to be alright. We are going to be alright. 


  1. Your girls are treasures! They're so lucky you have a mom like you who will always make them feel their worth.


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