I wish I could go back to this day and kiss those little faces, but then come right back....because poopy diapers, no thanks. |
There once was a time when Facebook was a fun place to connect with loved ones far and near. Now when I get on Facebook I see political posts full of angry comments from loved ones, far and near. Instead of catching up with friends and family, I am caught up on the horrors of ISIS,abortion and shootings... mixed in with a picture of a newborn baby announcement. So I'm cutting back. I removed the app. from my phone and only check Facebook if I get a notification or a message. I've been doing this for a few weeks and I have noticed that I am less anxious, happier. But there is much that I have loved about
Facebook over the years, I have so many pictures and videos and status updates that represent my history. So I'm going to add a thing or two here for posterity. Here is a little thing that we used to do on Facebook before we felt like political vigilantes.
25 Random Facts About Me.
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things,facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to "notes" under tabs on your profile page, pasted these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. I can bring a child in to this life in one big push.
2. I used to do death defying, under water somersaults in an industrial sized trash can in our back yard growing up.
3. I think it's precious when my infant toots in the palm of my hand.
4. I have love in my life strong enough to bring me to tears. I'd give my life for my husband and little girls in heart beat to save theirs.
5. I could out belch any of you:)
6. I have never "told someone off" "Chewed someone out" or even raised my voice in anger at another person.... until I had kids. I can somehow raise my voice at my innocent girls, it's my biggest flaw and I'm working on it.
7. I love the mental vacation a good book offers.
8. I'm currently having the sun damage my CA childhood brought lasered off my body.
9. I can't spell or do math very well.
10. I'm an introvert and usually very shy at first. There are only a select few who get to see all sides of me. I can be pretty weird I'm told.
11. No one accurately informed me at just how big a role poop would play in motherhood. I'm so sick of poo!
12.Speaking of poo, Brooke just brought me her pooey jammy bottoms!? Why?!
13.While I was pregnant with my first I developed an aversion to kissing. I found it hard enough to breath without my husbands suffocating kiss. Unfortunately I've never gotten over it,poor Jon:)
14. I have a burning testimony that I have a loving Heavenly Father, that Jesus Christ is who he said he was and that the fullness of the gospel has been restored. This knowledge has done nothing but bless my life.
15. I have a hole in the roof of my mouth from jabbing it with a pencil while jumping on the bed.( when I was a kid:) I can still suck air out of it to this day:)
16. I carry pepper spray with me everywhere I go to protect me from coyote,rabid dogs and bad guys.
17. I once put on bright red lipstick and kissed a light pole in my neighborhood growing up. When we moved several years later my kiss mark was still there:) I wish I knew the brand of that lipstick!
18. I don't play in to Drama, which I think will serve me well while raising 3 girls.
19. I'm a major wuss, I avoid confrontation at all cost. If I get in an argument it won't be long before my tears betray me. It's a good thing I married a man who seems to love fighting for me.
20. I'm pretty sure I have arachnophobia.
21. I love the way a new outfit makes me feel but I'm just not a good shopper, the mall makes me want to go home and take a nap.
22. I'm over the adobe style homes of Santa Fe. I want a peaked roof and grass not gravel!
23. I love photography and painting, I'm not gifted at either but I still have fun trying.
24. I've gone snorkeling in Hawaii and hiking in a bamboo forest.
25. I think I've used spell check on all 25 lines. I blame the Sacramento city school district.
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